State of the Field
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, and also online via zoom on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May.
This meeting is dedicated to the memory of our friend, Henry Buller.
Friday 19 May 2023
1.30-2.00 Registration
2.00-2.15 - Welcome - Erica Fudge (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow)
2.15-3.15 – Plenary 1
John Miller (University of Sheffield), 'What is the Difference between Animal Studies and the Environmental Humanities?' to watch John's talk, click here
3.25-4.55 – Panel 1: New Paths
Madonna Kalousian (University of Cambridge): ‘Gardens of Species: Catastrophe and Decomposing Ecotopias in Lebanese Literature’
Dominic O’Key (University of Sheffield): ‘Animal Studies in the Sixth Extinction’
Nancy J. Jacobs (Brown University): ‘The Psittacine Plantationocene’
4.55-5.30 – coffee
5.30-7.00 – Panel 2: Disciplinary Questions - to watch the talks in this panel, click
Nina Vieira, Catarina Simões and Carla Vieira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): ‘Animal Biographies: a Way Forward in Animal Studies and Environmental History’
Pete Porter (University of Groningen / Eastern Washington University): ‘What are the Prospects for Animal Film Studies?’
Jamie Arathoon (University of Edinburgh): ‘Towards an Agenda for Animal and Disability Geographies (Studies)’
7.30 – late – BASN Buffet at Mono, King's Court
Saturday 20 May 2023
10.00 -11.30 – Panel 3: Animal Places - to watch this panel, click
Niall Ingham (Glasgow University): ‘”Grazing in Full Sight of Everyone”: Present and Future Scope for Human-Animal Studies in the Context of Late-Modern Scottish Highlands and Islands’
Alexandra Tretakov and Nadine Menzel (Leipzig University/Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt): ‘Animal Poetics in Slavic Literatures’
Justyna Włodarczyk (University of Warsaw): ‘Animal Studies in Poland, 2013-2023: From Controversy to … Harmony?’
11.30 -11.50 – coffee
11.50 -12.50 – Plenary 2:
Jonathan Saha (Durham University) ‘Decolonizing Animals: Burmese Elephants and the End of Empire’ - to watch Jonathan's talk, click here
12.50 -1.30 - lunch
1.30 -2.30 – Plenary 3:
Eva Giraud (University of Sheffield) 'Entanglements, Ethics, and Animal Activism' - to watch Eva's talk, click here
2.30 - 3.30 – Panel 4: Activism - to watch these talks, click
Mark E. Dunick (University of Wellington / Stirling University): ‘Learning from the Liberation Leagues’
Lynda M. Korimboccus (University of East Anglia / West Lothian College): ‘Vegan Sociology: Academic Activism from and for the Margins’
3.30 - End
Abstracts of all panel papers, and biographies of all speakers can be found
British Animal Studies Network
‘State of the Field’ Online
These two free online sessions will be held in the lead up to the in person BASN meeting ‘State of the Field'
Thursday 11 May 2023, 4.00-5.30 BST – Transitional Animals
Shonaleeka Kaul (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), 'Animals, Affect and Ethics in Early India: Rethinking the Panchatantra-Hitopadesha Tradition'
Kelsey Granger (Ludwig-Maximilian University), ;China in Pet Studies and Pet Studies in China'
Angela Bartram (University of Derby) and Lee Deigaard (independent scholar), 'Animals in the Creative Process: Embracing Interspecies Collaboration and Learning from Others within Creativity'
A recording of this event can be accessed here
Wednesday 17 May, 4.00-5.30 BST - Critical Histories
Taylin Nelson (Rice University), 'Reaching Forward/Looking Back: 18th-Century Animal Studies and its Stakes for the Future' (to listen to Taylin's talk, please click here)
Diana Leca (University of Cambridge), 'Darwin's Frogs: On Listening to Little Animals'